Is Fitness Wear Faux Pas?

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With all the designers jumping into the Fitness Market, we now see a wide variety of workout wear everywhere!  Yoga pants, Jackets, Coverups, all are designed to take you on the go from the gym to the grocery store.  You can dress up your yoga outfit with cute coverups and dresses made by the fitness companies and look well…..covered up and presentable.  Name brands like True Religion and Diane Von Furstenburg are all doing it!

My question is… you wear workout wear outside of the gym?  Do you get dressed in your yoga pants even if you are not going to the gym?  Do you keep your workout wear on all day long because its comfy?  Or do you change into regular clothes once your done with your workout?  Are you the type of person who wouldn’t be caught dead wearing workout pants to the store or lunch or to grab a coffee?  Or do you look forward to dress down days and weekends to lounge in your activewear?

There are a variety of opinions on this topic of whats acceptable and whats not.  For sure the workout clothes are cute and comfortable and even trendy, but does it send a message?  What message I’m not sure.  Some would see it as you didn’t take time to put yourself together, others would be envious that you get to wear workout clothes all day.  Still others were brought up with a stricter code of making that first impression.  We can also argue the point that our culture has changed and now we no longer see suits and ties or pantyhose in the workforce.  Casual Friday is now Casual Monday thru Friday.

From my perspective….Fitness IS my job so I dress for work everyday.  I’m moving around all day and need to be in workout clothes.  That doesn’t mean I don’t shower or fix my hair or put on some lip gloss.  It just means these are my work clothes.  I feel lucky about that.  I’m also very conscientious about making sure I cover my ass (literally) when I go out.  I try to make sure to wear a coat or jacket or coverup that covers my booty.

I’d like to hear from you….let me know!  It also doesn’t seem to be age specific.  Some of the younger generation would never wear workout clothes outside of the gym and some more mature clients would and vice versa.  So it definitely is not a stereotype or age specific.    I found this YouTube Video that helps us laugh a little at this trend.

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