How to choose a walking shoe

If you are like me, you tend to go for the color and style of a shoe!  Color and style aside though, here are some tips to pick the right shoe for you.  This goes for not only walking shoes but any athletic shoe.

2Get the right fit:

If you have normal feet you can choose virtually any shoe on the market.  A shoe that emphasis foot stability is your best bet though.

Flat feet, also known as pronators.  If this is you, you will notice that your feet roll inwards when you land.  Look at your flip flops and you should see a heavy indentation on the inside of the shoe.  For these people you may be experiencing pain in your knees or shins without the right shoe.  You need a shoe that provides motion control in the midsole of the shoe and prevents it from rolling inwards.

High arches, also known as supinators.  If this is you, you will notice that your feel roll outwards when you land.  Again, look at your flip flops and see that the indentations are heavier on the outside of the foot.  For these people you may be having problems with your knees if the shoe doesn’t fit properly.  Look for a shoe that has great shock absorbing capabilities and extra cushion.

Other things to know:

Shop later in the day.  Our feet swell during the course of the day, so a shoe that fits in the morning may be too tight in the afternoon.

Bring your own socks.  Bring the socks you plan to wear with your shoes so that you know you have the right fit.  Many times they have socks that are too heavy or too thin or just don’t fit properly.  Take the guess work out of it and bring your own.

Try on both shoes.  Don’t just try on one, put them both on.  My right foot is about a half size smaller then my left, so trying them both on makes sure that they are comfortable on both feet.  Then walk around the store.

Try out several shoes.  Although this sometimes makes me buy them all!  But try on at least two pair for a comparison.

Most Important!  Shoes should NOT need to be broken in!  If they are uncomfortable in the store, they will be uncomfortable outside of the store.  Unlike shoes for fashion that are made of leather or other materials, athletic shoes should be ready to be worn right out of the store and not need a breaking in period.

Hope this helps!  Your feet and knees and hips and back will thank you!

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