Sweat Equity


How much cardio do you try to do each week?

1.  None

2.  I aim for miles logged, not by time

3.  I aim for 30 minutes each day

4.  I aim for cardio 3 to 4 times a week.

5.  List your goal___________________________

Here is a great workout that I found on Pinterest! I used the format as a guideline and did 30 minutes of it. I did the warmup, some in the middle and end. I had some great tunes on and had fun. The time flew by because I was focused on the task at hand.
Here is a great workout that I found on Pinterest! I used the format as a guideline and did 30 minutes of it. I did the warmup, some in the middle and end. I had some great tunes on and had fun. The time flew by because I was focused on the task at hand.

Cardiovascular guidelines state that adults need 150 minutes (2 hours and 30 minutes) per week of cardio exercise.  This means activity of a moderate to intense level. Something that gets your heart rate up and you breathing heavier and perspiring.  That may sound like a lot of exercise, but that is the length of one movie!   You find time to sit in a movie theater for two hours on a Saturday, I’m sure you can find a few minutes each day to workout!  Spread that over 6 days ( 1 day of rest) and you have 25 minutes per day of exercise.  Now you can choose to do that or do bigger chunks at a time as your schedule allows.  I usually aim for 30 minutes a day but the reality is usually 2 days of 60 minutes of cardio and then 2 days of 30 minutes each so 4 days total of cardio for me.  I bounce around on my equipment and do the Stepmill, ArcTrainer, AMT Elliptical, Treadmill, Rower, Arm Ergometer.  Variety is the spice of life and keeps my body using different muscles each time so that me and my muscles don’t get bored!  Hiking is another great activity that I do to get my cardiovascular exercise in.  A brisk walk also will suffice, but make sure it is brisk and that your breathing is slightly elevated.

Let me know what you aim for each week and what the reality is of that goal.  I’d like to know.

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