Take the First Step

Whether you are starting a new exercise routine, a new diet, a new job or trying to change a behavior, it’s all about getting started!

So much of the time we overwhelm ourselves with a new project by thinking about it long term.  How is this going to look or feel or just be further down the road?  This can be daunting.  It sometimes makes our goal seem insurmountable and unattainable.  It feels like there may be too much work or effort or energy to even get started.

Well stop that and take the first step!  Let’s use exercise as an example.  You want to get in better shape and lose a few pounds.  You start to think about all the exercise you will have to do to accomplish this and how much time it’s going to take and how hard it’s going to be.  You think you have to run miles or take that stupid spinning class that you don’t even like!  You see all that work ahead and you get deflated and are paralyzed to even start!  Not good!  Let’s break it down another way.

You decide you want to lose a few pounds, but you don’t like running or spinning so you decide to start walking on the treadmill or use the elliptical.  Get up in the morning and pack your bag, or better yet get it out of the way first thing.  Start with 20-30 minutes, because that was more than you did the day before, so you are already a winner!  Don’t beat yourself up that it wasn’t an hour in a spin class or the intensity wasn’t super high.  Just get started and give yourself kudo’s for doing that!  You will be suprised at how little changes will make a difference.  Once you start to feel the difference you will be even more motivated to continue.

Whether it be getting started with a small amount of exercise, eliminating one simple food from your diet (say soda) or writing down your thoughts to get your creative juices flowing for that book you always wanted to write.  The important thing is that you start.  You will feel better for doing it.

A couple of weeks ago, I posted about negative self talk.  Be kind to yourself and don’t beat yourself up or compare yourself to others.  Take that first step toward whatever your goal may be.

Let’s look at Susan and her progress.  She has added more consistency to her workouts by adding 1 extra workout to her schedule.  Previously she was taking the Sunflower class, doing her Bootcamp and training with either myself or another trainer every week.  She added one more session to the weekly mix and committed to doing 30 minutes of cardio while she was at it and now look at her!  Joe Pilates said “In 10 sessions you will feel a difference”  Well not only is Susan feeling a difference, but from her post today, she is seeing a difference after only 10 sessions!  Bravo!

In the words of NIKE – Just Do It!  Or just take that first step and get started!

Good Luck!



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