Walking on Sunshine

I challenge you to walk!  That’s it!  End of sentence!  I challenge you to walk!  Walking is the easiest and cheapest form of exercise. And it is so good for you in so many ways.  It requires no special clothes or shoes other than a comfortable pair.  No membership fees or dues.  It can be done anywhere and at anytime.  So for the month of September, I challenge you to find the time to walk more.  What do YOU get out of it?

1.  Walking strengthens your heart.

2.  Walking prevents type 2 diabetes.  Walking 150 minutes per week can reduce your risk.

3.  Walking is good for your brain.  Only 1.5 hours per week can improve your cognitive capabilities.

4.  Walking is good for your bones.  One mile a day can improve your bone density.

5.  Walking alleviates depression.  Walking for 30 minutes 3-5 times  per week can reduce symptoms of depression.

6.  Walking can reduce the risk of breast and colon cancer.  1-2 hours of walking per week can reduce your risk by 18%.

7.  Walking 3 times per week for 30 minutes can increase your cardiorespiratory function.

8.  Walking improves fitness and physical function and prevents physical disability in older adults.

9.  Walking is easy and requires no training or instruction.

10.  Walking is good for you!!!!

Need I say more?

For the remainder of this week I challenge you to take a walk.  It doesn’t matter how fast you walk or whether it is a flat road or hilly terrain or the treadmill.  Take a 20-30 minute walk each day. 

Can’t possibly fit it in?  Then try to get extra steps in during the day by taking the stairs instead of the elevator.  Park in the furthest spot from the door in the parking garage.  Take the trash out instead of making the kids or hubby do it.  Take the dog on an extra walk.  You get the idea.

1I can guarantee that if you do this you will:

  • Feel better

  • Have more energy

  • Be in a better mood

2As the weeks progress you will:

  • Notice changes in how your clothes fit or how people perceive how you look even if you haven’t lost weight.

Keep sticking with the challenge and you should:

  • Lose inches and/or pounds.

What have you got to lose other than maybe a few unwanted pounds! 🙂

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