Do You Know Joe?

The Battle over the Pilates Trademark.

In October 2000, the decision was handed down that Pilates is not a Trademark, it is a type of exercise like yoga or karate, therefore the term could not be monopolized.  Anyone, anywhere could now use the name Pilates to refer to their exercise.  This is both good and bad.

15I’ll start with the not so good news first and end with a positive note!

  • Anyone can teach Any exercise and call it Pilates or the Pilates Method.

  • There is a chance the term Pilates  could become watered down with new techniques, styles and exercises that in no way resemble what the original Pilates Method is supposed to look like.

  • Anyone can place the name Pilates on a piece of exercise equipment, regardless if it has anything to do with Pilates and the equipment developed by Joe Pilates

  • Training programs have popped up that offer weekend Pilates certifications, not realizing that the Pilates Method is a very sophisticated program that requires a great deal of study and experience before they are qualified to teach.  Many require up to a year of training.

  • It is up to you, the reader, to do your research and decide what kind of Pilates you want to do and if the studio you are seeking instruction from is credible (in whatever form of exercise they are teaching)

The Good:

  • For those instructors that DO have legitimate training in the Pilates Method, they are now free to call their work Pilates.  Before the ruling, even those who originally trained with Joe Pilates could not refer to it as Pilates.  Romana Kryzanowska, a Pilates Elder who kept the Method alive, was the only one allowed to call it Pilates.

  • Many credible training programs around the world are now able to state they teach Pilates

  • This ruling allowed for explosive growth in the Pilates Industry.  Pilates has soared in popularity and is now considered one of the leading forms of exercise.  Which is good for me, it keeps my doggies in biscuits!

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